What is a Freelancer.com ? |Whis is a Purpose Of Freelancer.com Learn With Asif Noorpuri

 What is a Freelancer.com ? | What is a Purpose  Of Freelancer.com Learn With  Asif Noorpuri

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Freelancer.com is a popular online platform that connects freelancers with clients looking to outsource various projects and tasks. It acts as a marketplace where individuals and businesses can find skilled professionals to work on projects ranging from writing and design to programming and marketing. Here are some key details about Freelancer.com:

1.Platform Purpose:

 Freelancer.com serves as a platform for freelancers to showcase their skills and expertise, while clients can post their projects and find suitable freelancers to complete those projects.

2.Registration and Profiles: Freelancers and clients need to create accounts on the platform. Freelancers can create detailed profiles highlighting their skills, work history, portfolio, and other relevant information. Clients can create profiles as well and provide project details when posting jobs.

3. Job Posting: 

Clients can post projects with descriptions, requirements, and budgets. Freelancers can then browse through these job listings and submit proposals, outlining their approach to the project and their pricing.

4. Bidding System

Freelancers bid on projects by submitting proposals with their proposed fees and details about how they plan to complete the project. Clients review these proposals and select the freelancer they believe is the best fit for the job.

Top 10 Freelancing Market place


Freelancer.com provides communication tools to allow clients and freelancers to discuss project details, requirements, and any clarifications needed before starting the work.

6. Milestones and Payments: 

For larger projects, Freelancer.com allows clients to set milestones. Payments are made through the platform, and funds can be released to the freelancer once each milestone is completed and approved.

7. Ratings and Reviews: 

After completing a project, clients can leave reviews and ratings for the freelancers they worked with, which helps build the freelancers' reputations on the platform. Similarly, freelancers can also leave feedback for clients.

8.Escrow System:

 Freelancer.com offers an escrow system where clients can deposit funds into an escrow account before a project begins. This provides a level of security for both parties, ensuring that the freelancer gets paid for the work done and the client receives the expected quality of work.

9. Membership Plans: 

Freelancer.com offers different membership plans for freelancers, with varying features such as the number of bids allowed per month, increased visibility, and access to additional tools.

10. Dispute Resolution:

 In case of disputes between clients and freelancers, Freelancer.com provides a dispute resolution process to help resolve conflicts and ensure fairness.

Top 10 Freelancing Market place

Please note that details about Freelancer.com might have evolved or changed since my last update. I recommend visiting the official Freelancer.com website or contacting their support for the most up-to-date information on how the platform works and any changes that have occurred.

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